Professional Gambler: Giving Yourself A Chance

Professional Gambler: Giving Yourself A Chance  Betting as a profession is a very different occupation to betting for fun. I don’t encourage anyone to bet for fun because it can lead to bad habits. The ‘fun’ aspect is devoid of finding or having answers to questions and that is often the start to a big problem. We live in a world of cause and effect and that shouldn’t be forgotten. Philosophers like Plato didn’t sit thinking about answer to difficult question for no reason. They did so with the hope of the betterment of the human race. Those thoughts have been diluted down into the self help publication which litter the shelves at all good book shops.

As I have said lots of times, gambling is about having answers to questions. If you sit there with no answers to questions or never actually considered a question about your gambling or improvement then there’s something gone wrong.

You are a feather floating in the wind.

Gambling is about making money. However, even with vast knowledge it isn’t something you can push. You cannot force the issue or try too hard. Don’t keep looking at that same race thinking it is simply a matter of time (if I keep working) that I will find the winner. I hate looking at a race too much. It seems to distort the thinking of the most rational soul and you will find it does you know favours. You should be able to assess a race quite efficiently and identify possible value bets. That’s why I pass over short priced horses because they aren’t going to be a bet and I literally don’t care if they win or lose. Well, hopefully, if I bet against one I hope it loses but it goes as it goes. You have to look at the bigger picture which sees bigger profits. I’m not simply interested in finding the winner of every race. There are many and varied ways to make your betting pay. Some people will be trading, others betting on a number of horses in the same race, while someone may be laying the outsider on the exchanges at 999/1. If you asked any of these people which horse they fancied to win they would give an answer which makes no sense to you.

Betting and winning is about what makes sense for you. It’s your money on the line so you don’t need to give a flying fig about anyone else.

Gambling is about giving yourself a chance. But not at all cost. It has to be the right answer to the question. If not, you will lose. But you have to bet to win money. If you don’t bet you can’t win. You need to take action when you see a good bet. At times, you have to break the rules if there is an opportunity. These should be calculated decisions and you must appreciate you are walking into a minefield.

Betting on the two-year-old horse racing is, for most people, a difficult area to master. However, this isn’t a bad thing. It’s like business, you need to create something or have something which is a high barrier to entry. You don’t want to be walking with the masses. You need to set yourself apart from the crowd. You need to have something unique going on. It is possible with information or education.

In my opinion, the best gamblers are those who don’t really like to bet. They don’t do it for the next quick fix. They are skilful, knowledgable and look at the majority of the population of gamblers with the words: ‘I know more.’

These words aren’t said to be big head or cocky. It’s a fact. If any professional gambler doesn’t have that personality then they will struggle to win.

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